Elevate your skills in outdoor therapy with our complex trauma-informed practice training, tailored for practitioners dedicated to supporting young people.
Deepen Your Understanding and Make a Lasting Impact.

Our Programs
We provide comprehensive and evidence-based training programs for practitioners working with young people who have experienced complex trauma.
Our programs are grounded in doctoral research at Griffith University and have trained over 1000 practitioners to date.
Click here to learn more about our programs and how we can help you provide effective care to your clients.

Our Mission
Empowering practitioners with the essential knowledge, skills, and resources to harness the healing power of outdoor therapy—that's our mission.
We are dedicated to fostering a community of growth and learning, enabling practitioners to thrive in their practice with young people.
By offering comprehensive programs and invaluable resources, we champion the transformative impact of outdoor therapy, advocating for its widespread adoption as a significant therapeutic approach.
Together, we pave the way for a future where outdoor therapy is a cornerstone of healing and personal development.

Upcoming Events
- Sat, 15 FebWeb Workshops 15 & 16 Feb 25
- Thu, 27 Feb27 & 28 Feb 25, GU Southport
- Date and time is TBDAdelaide
Our Impact
Practitioners Trained
Program Completion Rate
Years of Experience
Latest News
Introducing... Dr. Emu!
It is with great excitement that we announce Graham Pringle has been awarded his doctorate! On July 24, Dr. Emu graduated as a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) after nine years of dedicated work. The practice framework evolved throughout the study, and a link to a free update webinar is included below.
This journey has been long and challenging, marked by numerous obstacles and even some interference. Notably, Assessor #1 rejected the thesis twice, but today is a time for celebration and gratitude.

Dr. Emu could not have reached this milestone without the unwavering support and guidance of his incredible supervisors: Professor Jenny Boddy, Professor Paul Harris, and Dr. Maddy Slattery. Their expertise and encouragement were pivotal, especially during the most challenging moments.
A heartfelt thank you also goes to Dr Will Dobud and Dr Eric Brymer for their wisdom and mentorship throughout this journey. Their insights were invaluable.
Dr. Emu's thesis, titled "The Healing Potential of Adventure For Young People Impacted By Systemic Adversity: A Complex Trauma Informed Adventure Therapy Theory," stands as a testament to the power of dignity and kindness during outdoor adventure.
The thesis comprises seven chapters:
Chapter 1 - Background
Chapter 2 - Methodology and Methods
Chapter 3 - Complex trauma scoping review and analysis
Chapter 4 - Adventure therapy scoping review and analysis
Chapter 5 - Analysis of interviews
Chapter 6 - Discussion
Chapter 7 - Summary
Readers are particularly encouraged to review the Practice Dedication on Page xx and Chapter Seven for a summary. Dr. Emu conducted interviews with 30 experts, including young people, whose contributions were crucial to the study's success. The patience and encouragement of his family were also essential throughout this process.
Our Programs
Complex Trauma-
Informed Practice
An Evidenced Framework
Our training breathes life into the latest complex trauma theories.
Based on eight years of Australian research. The groundbreaking theory and practice framework provide invaluable guidance for connecting with complex youth.
Child, Youth & Family Interventions
Certificate IV and Diploma
The best entry pathway into community services work.
The Dip is equal to first year of Social Work, and some universities will assign credit.
Not available until 2025
Certificate IV and Diploma
If taking people outdoors as a practitioner, you should be qualified as a guide in each activity.
These courses, in modules, will enable you to keep people engaged and safe outdoors.
Not available until 2025
Youth Work
This qualification bridges both Child, Youth and Family Intervention and Outdoor Leadership.
It is an ideal entry pathway and may be bridged from your existing skills through Recognition of Prior Learning.
Not available until 2025
Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction.
~ E. O. Wilson
Student Success Stories